Phone: +64 21 530 041
Email: john.burton@izardweston.co.nz
Areas Of Expertise:
Maritime law
Transport law
Mediation and negotiation
Courts and arbitration
Regulatory defence
Public and administrative law
Business structuring
John is a specialist in all aspects of maritime law, with particular knowledge of admiralty practice, ship arrests, groundings, collisions, trade issues, safe port/berth disputes, cargo recovery claims, ship building and ship repair contracts, ship sale and purchase, salvage and chartering.
John has had legal involvement with all of the major casualties on the New Zealand coast over the last 15 years including Jody F Millennium, Tai Ping, F.V. Kotuku and Rena. He has had extensive involvement in the Pacific Islands, including Samoa, Tonga, Niue, the Cook Islands, Tokelau, and Tuvalu working on projects to secure new ships, repair old ones, and improve maritime safety.
John has significant experience in the prosecution and defence of regulatory offences under the Resource Management Act, Health and Safety at Work Act, Maritime Transport Act and others. He is particularly adept at managing large teams (including experts and criminal barristers), and ensuring each prosecution is approached in a strategic and thorough manner.
John is a former committee member of the Maritime Law Association of Australia and New Zealand, and honorary solicitor to the Wellington Coastguard and Sailability Wellington Charitable Trust.
John is listed in Doyle’s and Chambers guides for his internationally recognised expertise in maritime law.